
Recipe #12: Beer Battered French Fries.

Another recipe that I originally obtained from the lovely Julie Taylor.  I originally tried this recipe my senior year of high school. Except, then, we of course didn't use beer, we could only use water. And in fact, water is in the original recipe. Julie was the one who thought of using beer last summer. The beer doesn't add amazing taste. I'll be honest. But it's kind of fun to say that you're going to make beer battered french fries. So I did.

Beer Battered French Fries. 

-2 1/2 lb. russet potatoes (I just made one for each person I served plus one or two. Then again, I had extra.)
-1 cup flour
-1 teaspoon onion salt
-1 teaspoon garlic salt
-1 teaspoon salt
-1 teaspoon paprika
-1/2 cup beer

As for the beer....I'm underage. I'm not a beer connoisseur. I don't know what is best or what is worst. I used Budweiser in my fries because, frankly, that's what my mom bought me when I asked her to get me beer. I'm assuming that you could use your favorite beer, should you have one, or water if you can't get your hands on the alcohol. Also, the 1/2 cup can be varied. Just add whichever liquid you choose until you think the batter is the right consistency.

Step 1: Get the potatoes ready.
Wash, peel, and slice potatoes into french fry size. Then place the new fries into a bowl of water to keep them from drying out. 

Step 2: Make the batter!
Pretty simple, really. Just combine the dry ingredients and then stir in the beer/water until it reaches the right consistency. 

Step 3: Batter them fries!
Immerse the potato slices in the batter and coat thoroughly. 

Step 4: Fry 'em and eat! 
When frying, be sure not to just dump all of the fries into the deep fryer.  The batter will stick together and not cook all the way. This is the worst part of the whole process. The frying can be time consuming, but I do think it's worth it. 

Step 4: Eat and eat and eat!
Epic french fries. Epic. 

Happy eating!!! Share the love!


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