
I'm a letdown.

Tonight, I made three recipes. You'll note that the title of this post does not in any way include a recipe.

I'm a letdown. But I've come to peace with it.

I started making a white cake from scratch. I documented it well. Really well. Then I got discouraged when I tried to remove them from the pan and they fell apart. I baked them well, they tasted good (at least the batter tasted good) and I was kind of pumped. Then they fell apart. It was a layer cake. Four layers. Two fell apart...I didn't even want to touch the second two.

Ever had that depressing, frustrating, what-the-heck-can-I-do-about-this, I-just-want-to-get-out-of-the-kitchen feeling? Totally happened to me tonight. I was half way through making the icing when I messed up the cakes. Hadn't even started my dinner yet. Not a cool feeling.

Dinner consisted of mini lasagna cupcakes. Sounds weird, but it really turned out pretty good. By the time that I made them, I wasn't even thinking about the blog. Instead, I was just trying to get my dinner ready.  A little distracted and discouraged about the cakes, I didn't take too many pictures.

Luckily, I have a feeling that I'll be making these another time. They were a successful project and pretty easy. So I'll have to do it again and I'll make sure to keep good record, take good pictures, and get it up as soon as possible.

Next, I made homemade garlic bread. Another success. But also another complete flop on the blog business. Lucky for me, garlic bread and lasagna cupcakes go together quite well. So I'll be sure to put them on here.

I had planned on making a multitude of recipes tonight for the sole purpose of working ahead. Getting a few posts done in one night takes the pressure off from baking/cooking every day. Clearly, that didn't happen. So that being said, it may be a few days before I post again. Not because I don't want to cook or bake, but I have a busy few days ahead of me.  I'll see what I can do to keep you guys fed! :)

Thanks for being so loyal and always reading the posts. It means a lot to me! :)

Happy eating (whatever it may be)! Share the love!



  1. Hi Olivia, your grandfather told me about your website and I really enjoyed looking around. You've got a great writing style and your recipes look great. I write a weekly food column that appears in your granddad's newspaper, that's why he thought I might enjoy the blog. If you are interested you can check out mine at www.scotthutcheson.com.

  2. Thanks, I'll be sure to do so! Thank you for looking into my blog and giving me feedback! I appreciate it!
